There are some decisions that we have to make in life that we as individuals simply don’t know how the end will turn out. Currently, I am in a big state of transition and change in my life. I am going out on a huge leap of faith, believing that God will carry me all the way and direct me, and striving to not like worry or fear creep into my mind. It is certainly not easy, comfortable, or painless, however, I know it is what God is calling me to do, and therefore I must. It is through this time filled with uncertainty and the unknown, that I am reminded what it truly means to be bold. According to the Merriam Dictionary, being “bold” is defined as being “fearless before danger” and “showing or requiring a fearless daring spirit.” In a way, the term “bold” can be likened to the term “brave,” as the latter is defined as “having or showing courage.” Inevitably, to be bold, one must be brave, and in order to be brave, one must be bold. Yet this is not always easy, and in the case for myself, dealing with chronic Lyme Disease can easily wear at both my mental and physical well being until boldness is the last thing I feel.
When there is not an ounce of strength left in our bones, with weariness and exhaustion flooding our bodies, the last thing that we feel is fearless. Instead, we feel incredibly vulnerable, unable to handle the difficulties that continue to surround us, and it is during this time that fear can easily creep into our minds. However, in order to continue on and be bold, we must not let an ounce of this uncertainty creep into our thoughts. It is not to say that we should shut off our minds from all sensibility, however, we must give all the nitty gritty to the Lord and not think of all the “what ifs” that could weaken or harm us on the path that lies ahead. When we look at the given circumstance or event through human eyes, doubt and failure will inevitably arise. All of the worst possible outcomes flood our minds, and suddenly we find ourselves anxious, questioning whether we are truly ready to be as bold as we once planned. By ourselves, we very well may be inadequate and ill equipped for the journey ahead of us. However, this is where the power of God comes into play. Instead of fear, Christ gives us peace that is unlike and better than anything in the world. While words of encouragement and support from all of our friend and family members may help for a short period, the only way that our spirit and mind can contain and unwavering sense of boldness is when they are in close communion with God. In His word, we are reminded never to “be troubled or afraid,” (John 14:27, NLV) and to never “worry about your life” (including the little ins and outs), like what we will eat or drink (Matthew 6:25-34). For we are His children, He loves us more than we could ever know, and because of this, has mapped out our entire life according to His will. We need not worry about the what would otherwise by the scary unknown, as He promises to “make [our] paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6). Only the devil will fill our hearts with fear, but the Lord will establish our steps (Proverbs 16:9), renew our strength (Isaiah 40:31), and instruct and teach us throughout all of the unknown (Psalm 32:8). The same God that helped young David kill the giant Goliath with just a few pebbles and a slingshot (1 Samuel 17), is the same God that is with His children until the end of the day. So, whatever it is you may be facing in the present or future, go, in the name of the Lord Almighty, and be bold.
2 Corinthians 3:12 “Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. “