As I was putting together another one of my recipes to share with you all, my mother had a fabulous idea. “Why not make a chart of the different types of flours you typically use, so that people can know where and how to use them?” she asked, and I answered, “that’s a really good idea!” So here it is folks, a quick little guide to most of the flours that you will be seeing here at Beyond the Bite on a regular basis. I simply summarized each flour, then directed you to my page of “Paleo Flours,” where you can get a feel for how I like to utilize them. There are some autoimmune-friendly flours that I have not used very much here on the blog (such as coconut), and therefore chose to not go into detail on them, simply because I didn’t want to give people the wrong impression of something I didn’t even know what I was talking about. With all that said, I hope that you find this chart helpful ~ bake and cook on!
1 John 4:4 “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”
Christa Thielen says
Great list! I imagine WEDO banana flour could be added to this as well.
Kathy Young says
LOVE this chart! I am just starting to really bake on the AIP diet, so this will come in very handy. Thank you so much! And love the scripture. <3